What’s the problem?

Most Californians don’t understand the legislative process

The legislation language caters to a college-educated person

California’s legislative priorities are targeted at poverty-related issues such as homelessness; people who are most impacted should intimately understand

California Legislative Resources (leginfo.legislature.ca.gov) caters to English speakers

AI Advocate:
The Solution

Educates everyday people on legislation relevant to them

Empowers everyday people to share their voice about what is being proposed

Employs everyday people to screen AI output and ensure it is culturally and experientially insightful

Community Education & Empowerment

Educate users about government bills, empowering them to make informed decisions and actively participate in civic processes.

Translate these summaries into multiple languages and complexity levels to cater to the diversity of underserved communities.

AI-Driven Bill Summarization
Utilize natural language processing (NLP) algorithms to analyze and break down complex government bills into easy-to-understand summaries and provide users the power to increase/decrease complexity.

Breaking Down Barriers
When the complexities of legislation are demystified individuals gain a newfound sense of agency.

Advocate Engagement
Provide a platform for advocates to contribute directly to their communities, bridging the gap between legal expertise and everyday understanding.

Survivor Panels
Review content & provide recommendations based on lived experience.

Credible ITBiz Data Analyst
Employed to document panel results and maintain AI Advocate application. (Future)